Session Descriptions AHC24

Session Descriptions

California Private Homeschooling Options and How HCS Can Help

by Vicki Stormoen

The freedom found through private homeschooling is radically different from what you will experience through public home study programs.  There are three private homeschooling options in California.  In this session, we will look at all three in detail and discuss the pros and cons.  We will conclude with where HCS fits in with those options, what we offer, how we can help, and then address any specific questions you may have.

This session is designed for non-HCS members.

Dads Only

by Marc Crawford

The Dads Only session is a casual, conversational look at the issues and questions Dads have regarding how to support, be involved, and understand more about homeschooling. 

Discipleship and Teaching A Biblical Worldview

by Allison Wardrip

As homeschooling parents, we recognize the value of teaching our children. Not only do we want to educate our children in the academic subjects, but we also understand that our primary focus should be to disciple our children to have a Biblical worldview. What does it mean to allow the Bible to inform every encounter in day-to-day life and how do we develop this perspective?

In this session, we will address these important areas:

  • What exactly is a Biblical worldview?
  • Why is having a solid Biblical worldview important for myself and my children?
  • How do I incorporate this into my homeschooling and daily life?
  • What are some resources to help teach a Biblical worldview to my children?

We all recognize that the world around us is volatile and dark (without Christ!), but as Christian parents, we need not lose hope! We don’t need to be afraid to stand for Truth; however, we must be equipped and proactive to disciple our children (and ourselves!) effectively to navigate daily life. With a solid Biblical worldview, we can be confident that God’s Word provides the wisdom and guidance we need for every day! Let’s journey together to understand and implement a Biblical worldview within our families and homeschool!

Homeschool Advancing: The State of Home Education Today

by Andrew Vandever

God is working in and through private Christian home education, in California and around the world, and this session will show you how! Homeschooling grew tremendously through the lockdown era, and yet there are also new threats and pitfalls to contend with. How can we respond wisely, as individuals and collectively?

Homeschooling and Stressed: Managing Anxiety, Fear, and Wory

by Beth Fox

We live in a culture where people are more stressed out and more unhappy than ever before.  We have constant access to so much information, so many different philosophies, beliefs and  theories even within our own Christian communities.The many influences along with managing  the daily needs of family life, special circumstances that arise and even just thinking too much  about the current state of our society can be overwhelming. Adding in the fears and worry that  arise regarding curriculum choices, activities, scheduling, and planning for the future leads us to  ask, is it even possible to homeschool and not be stressed? To not be worried or anxious about  all of it? Is there a perfect formula out there, the best way to do it all and be truly joyful?  In this session we will examine the topic of stress. The affects our fears and worry have on us  and how we as followers of Christ can work through the anxieties that arise as we seek to best  educate and raise our children.

Meal Planning Strategies For the Busy Homeschool Mom

by Holly Hedgecock

As homeschool moms, we are busy! Between educating our children, getting them to all their extracurricular activities, caring for our families, running our homes, and many of us even serving outside our homes, our days can be incredibly full.  So, with such busy schedules, how can we serve quick healthy meals to our families, and still have time to accomplish the important things in our day?

I am excited to share with you some simple strategies and planning tools I have used in my own big busy family that have helped me to do just that! We will explore how to map out your week for meals based on your family’s needs, creating a master month of meals to draw from, scheduling kids to help with planning and meal prep, and even planning breakfast, lunches and snacks.

Bring joy back into your family meals!

Reflections From 34 Years of Homeschooling and 12 Grown Children

by Karen Alm

Would you like to hear a veteran of 35 years of homeschooling her 12 children discuss what she is glad she did, what she regrets she did, and what she would do if she could do it all over?

Karen will be sharing her reflections of homeschooling and her life as a mom in an informal discussion format that will allow for questions and comments.

The Case for Classical Education: Preparing Our Kids for Heaven Not Harvard

by Raquel Ramirez

What is your greatest goal for your child beyond the high school years?

What does an education that instills that look like? 

Preparing our children to readily acquire knowledge, wisdom, and discernment for life starts by giving them the tools for learning. It starts with educating them in harmony with the way the Lord created them and the way they develop. To understand how to best serve our child’s education, we must first look at how the Lord sees man. 

What is a classical education? To see our child through the eyes of the Lord and train them to discern truth, beauty, and goodness. 

This seminar will answer three questions: 

  • What is a Classical Education? 
  • Why teach Classical Education?
  • How to start a Classical education for your child?

The Journey of the Special Needs Parent Navigating Homeschooling

by Mary Resenbeck

Are you wondering if it's possible to homeschool a child with special needs, learning differences, or giftedness? Do you need help determining if Homeschooling can mix with an Individualized Education Program (IEP)? 

The answer is yes! You can successfully homeschool your child with special needs, learning differences, or giftedness. You have the power to take charge of your child's education.

I am excited about my upcoming speaking session, where I will discuss the transformative realm of Homeschooling. I will focus on meeting the unique needs of special needs students, those with learning disabilities, and gifted learners. I will highlight individualized education programs (IEPs) in Homeschooling and how they can assist in creating a personalized homeschool education plan that caters to each child's unique learning needs. I will guide parents in developing and implementing IEPs in their homeschooling curriculum, ensuring their child's academic and social-emotional needs are met.

Additionally, I will provide insights into how parents can access funds and services to support their child's education, including resources for therapies, assistive technology, and other specialized services that can help special needs students thrive. Homeschooling can be a powerful vehicle for fostering academic success and personal growth. Through my presentation, parents will gain invaluable insights into creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment that meets the needs of all learners.

Toddlers In the Trenches: How and What To Prioritize While Loving Your Littles

by Natalie Wical

Christian families are just different. For one thing, oftentimes there are just more of us. We know our children were planned by the Lord, formed in the womb, and are great blessings. But how does knowing that help when the new baby wants milk now, the toddler formerly known as the baby needs some extra reassurance, and the oldest child is trying to whip everyone into shape-literally with a homemade whip because he got to watch Indiana Jones last night? How in the world do you know what to tackle first? Let’s talk about it! In this session we will consider how as Christians we have spiritual realities that can help us prioritize what to do when life gets busy: the reality of the soul, the reality of sin, and the reality of the Holy Spirit. 

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