What are the requirements to join HCS?
All members must make a profession of faith in Jesus Christ and fully agree to our Statement of Faith.  Both parents must also agree to a background check.

Can I be part of a Charter School and participate in your Academy classes?
No. There are two reasons this is not allowed.

  1. You cannot be enrolled in two schools at the same time.  Charter schools are public schools, and we are a private school.  Only one of us can hold the student’s cume file, and you must be enrolled in HCS to take our Academy classes.
  2. Charter Schools are public schools that prohibit religious instruction during school hours. While many people, including the leaders of Charter Schools, find ways around this prohibition, HCS believes it to be a violation of the intent and rules of the Charter to allow religious instruction when the law expressly forbids it. We have therefore elected to not participate or aid those in Charter schools to act contrary to the prohibition. 

Excerpt from an email from the CDE regarding religious instruction during school hours for Charter school families:

Education Code sections 47605(d) and 47605.6(e) are extremely explicit in stating that a charter school must be nonsectarian “in its programs, admission policies, employment practices, and all other operations.”

There has always been a strong distinction between the actual teaching of religion (i.e. religious education) and teaching about religion. Only the latter, in other words teaching students about religion in a historical and social context, is appropriate in California public education. This approach is codified in law (California Constitution, Article 9, Section 8; Education Code Sections 51500-51512) and in the state’s rigorous History-Social Science Content Standards for California Public Schools.

Having children participate in religious activities at school, or promoting any particular religious beliefs, is illegal in the state of California. It makes absolutely no difference who pays for the religious materials if they are being used in the school setting. (emphasis taken from the actual email)

For further reading supporting this position, please visit: 

Family Protection Ministries

Cathy Duffy 



Can I be part of HCS and take classes at an enrichment/education center?
Yes!  As long as the entity offering the classes is not a school holding your student’s cume file (i.e. they are not filing a PSA with the state or are not a public school), you can be an HCS member and take classes there.  If the enrichment/academic center is not a school and tells you that you cannot be a member with HCS and take classes with them, that is their choice.  However, no legal restriction exists preventing you from being a member at HCS and taking classes at an enrichment/education center.  Again, this is only true if the place offering the classes is not a “school” in its own right.   

My student has an IEP. Should I still consider homeschooling?
YES!  An IEP stands for Individualized Education Plan. It is a plan to meet the individual needs of the student and their learning challenges.  It is a plan that tailors the teaching, curriculum, and educational decisions to the individual student’s strengths and challenges. An IEP also allows parents to be more involved and have a voice in the educational decisions of their child. In short, it is exactly what homeschooling is! In a very real sense, all homeschoolers have IEPs as each family is making teaching, curriculum, and other educational decisions for each individual child based on their learning styles, challenges, and strengths. The biggest difference is you will not receive public funds to accomplish those things. 

What is the difference between Academy classes and Co-op Class Day classes?
Academy classes are weekly drop-off classes taught by independently contracted teachers and are college-prep-focused. Academy classes are primarily geared for core subjects in junior high and high school students, with a couple of upper elementary options. Junior Academy is for grades TK-6th. Co-op Class Days are designed for the whole family, from birth-12th grade with parents present and helping out in some way including teaching the classes.Co-op Class Days meet twice a month and offer a mix of academic and enrichment classes. There are four distinct co-op class day campuses, each with their own unique vibe and emphasis, meeting at three different locations around San Diego.

Co-op Class Days may be added at any time during the school year. Academy classes generally close by mid-September for the year (with some exceptions).

Do you provide a curriculum?
No. As private homeschoolers, families are responsible to provide their own curriculum.  However, we do offer curriculum consulting to assist families in making curriculum choices. Additionally, HCS members have access to a Curriculum Lending Library to help lessen the expense when purchasing curriculum. Items in the Lending Library may be checked out for the entire school year.

Can we participate in your clubs and academies if we are not members of HCS?
No.  All of our services are only available to HCS members. 

Are we obligated to follow your school schedule for the year?
No!  As homeschoolers, we understand that different schedules work for different families. The HCS school schedule merely lets you know when grades will be due and when our activities and graduations will happen. Whatever schedule you follow at home is perfectly fine.

Do you have a dress code?
Yes.  While we do not have uniforms, we do have a standard of modesty that applies to all HCS settings

What paperwork do I need to turn in annually?
There are three things you will need to turn in each year:

  1. Course of Study – this is where you will list the subjects you plan to teach and the curriculum you will use.
  2. First-semester grades – you will enter a letter grade for every subject you listed in #1.  You will also enter the number of days in attendance. No paperwork or work samples are needed to explain the grade. 
  3. Second-semester grades – same as #2.

I am brand new to homeschooling.  Do you have anything to help me throughout the year?
Yes. Every summer, we offer a free seminar to all HCS members entitled “Pillars of Homeschooling.” This seminar includes a Homeschooling 101 (K-8) session as well as a Homeschooling through High School session. You may attend one or both of these sessions annually. Additionally, we offer a Mentorship Program where newer families are matched with a seasoned homeschooler for the purpose of having someone to reach out to at any time during the year with questions or encouragement. We also offer Coffee Meet-Ups with Principal throughout the school year where small groups of people may meet with the Principal for encouragement, help, resources, or just to fellowship. Finally, we put on a homeschool conference, the Annual Heritage Conference (AHC) each year with a variety of speakers and topics presented related to homeschooling.  

Is there an extra cost for the sports and extracurricular clubs and school events?
Yes. Clubs are not financially subsidized by the school. Each club collects fees to cover the full cost of running the club.  Events are also offered at-cost per event.  

Am I able to be a part of HCS even if I do not live in San Diego County?
Yes! HCS offers an Out-of-County membership for families residing outside of San Diego County.  All the paperwork, transcripts, and diploma services are included as well as curriculum counseling, academic advising, and other select services. Events participation is available when in town including graduation ceremonies.  

What is the cutoff for when I can enroll for the school year?
When enrollment opens for the following school year, the current school year enrollment closes.  This is typically sometime in March. 

How do I access the password protected area of the website?
The Members Only section of the website is password protected as it offers information and resources only available to HCS members. If you have forgotten the password, you will find it at the bottom of every weekly newsletter. 

student record requests
Email: registrar@hcssd.org
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