Public Relations Events

Public school exit panel
Principal Vicki Stormoen participates in the Q&A panel at the Public School Exit event hosted by Skyline Church.

Come Out and Meet Us In Person

HCS is committed to spreading the word about the benefits of homeschooling and how our services can help families in their homeschooling journey. This is why our staff is excited to participate in expos, conventions, workshops, and other events that promote home education. We are happy to speak with families and answer their questions, provide direction, encourage their research, and hopefully meet future HCS families. 

If you have a friend or family member who can benefit from these events, please feel free to pass on this information to them. 

Book Principal Vicki For Your Event

Vicki Stormoen portrait

If you would like our Principal, Vicki Stormoen, to meet with friends, family, church group, or speak at your homeschool event to discuss what we offer and how we can help, please reach out to her at

Upcoming Events

open house flyer

January 14, 2025
HCS Open House
San Diego, CA

January 25, 2025
Christian Educational Options Conference
El Cajon, CA

Are you or someone you know looking for a Christian educational alternative to your current situation? Be sure to attend the upcoming Christian Educational Options Conference. You will learn about all the different schooling options available to today's Christian families. You will find resources, information, and breakout sessions with experts on topics including: Christian homeschool programs, Charter homeschools, private Christian schools, one room schools, and more!

Principal Vicki will be leading a breakout session specifically on PSPs and what HCS offers families to help them in their private homeschool journey. She will also be part of a Q&A panel. 

This is a FREE event but you must register. Registration link will be posted as soon as it is available. Don't miss it!

Past Events

open house flyer

May 21, June 20, July 16, August 6, 2024
HCS Open House
San Diego, CA

Stop by the office on any of the specified dates and time to speak with a staff member one on one about HCS. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. No RSVP needed.

5725 Kearny Villa Road, Suite G
San Diego, CA 92123

August 24, 2024
Homeschool Freedom Day
Dan Diego, CA

HCS will have an information booth at the upcoming Homeschool Freedom Day workshop. Stop by and speak to Principal Vicki about how HCS can help you in your private homeschool journey.

CHEA Convention info

May 9-11, 2024
CHEA Conference
La Mirada, CA

Don't miss Principal Vicki's speaking sessions at this year's CHEA Convention at Biola University as outlined here. 

Since 1984, CHEA has been hosting an annual homeschool event that features workshops for homeschoolers at all stages, an exhibit hall with curriculum, resources, and services, children's and teen conventions, high school graduation, and much more. Join other homeschool families from across the state as you are encouraged and equipped for the school year ahead. This is an event you don't want to miss!

See convention website for all the details including accommodations, schedule, registration rates, and much more. 

Raising Arrows Ministry Meeting flyer

May 14, 2024
Raising Arrows Homeschool Ministry
El Cajon, CA

Foothills Church's Raising Arrows Homeschool Ministry, is dedicated to equipping and empowering those who homeschool their children as a primary or supplementary option for their children's education, no matter the stage of their homeschooling journey. Their mission is to provide guidance, support and encouragement where participants can access valuable information, find support in a faith-based community, and foster meaningful collaboration with other homeschoolers.
Guest speaker, Principal Vicki Stormoen will speak on Types of Homeschooling and Curriculum. Invite a friend and come meet other moms like yourself and be encouraged together. 
alternative education expo fler

May 24, 2024
Alternative Education Expo
San Diego, CA

Principal Vicki will be speaking about the comprehensive support provided by PSP programs in both academic and administrative aspects at the upcoming Alternative Education Expo 2024. HCS will be hosting an information booth as well so make sure to stop by to say hello. We would love to see you there!

To register for this free event catered to local homeschool families, use the registration button below. 

open house flyer

March 9, 2024
HCS Open House
San DIego, CA

January 20, 2024
Christian Educational Options Conference
El Cajon, CA

Are you or someone you know looking for a Christian educational alternative to your current situation? Be sure to attend the upcoming Christian Educational Options Conference. You will learn about all the different schooling options available to today's Christian families. You will find resources, information, and breakout sessions with experts on topics including: Christian homeschool programs, Charter homeschools, private Christian schools, one room schools, and more!

Principal Vicki will be leading two breakout sessions specifically on PSPs and what HCS offers families to help them in their private homeschool journey.

This is a FREE event but you must register here. Don't miss it!

open house flyer

January 23, 2024
HCS Open House
San Diego, CA

homeschool expo flyer

October 14, 2023
Homeschool Expo
Escondido, CA

When it comes to homeschooling, there are so many useful resources and routes to take. HCS will have a booth at the upcoming Homeschool Expo in Escondido. This is a great opportunity for our north county friends to come out and visit with us. We'll be happy to answer your questions about what makes HCS a great homeschooling partner. Feel free to pass on this information to a friend.
Open House Flyer

June 22 | July 18 | Aug 17, 2023
HCS Open House
San Diego, CA

We understand that the thought of homeschooling can be overwhelming, so let us help you simplify it. If you're considering private homeschooling this fall and want to know how HCS can help you in this journey, please stop by the office on one of the open house dates. We will be happy to sit with you and answer your questions. No appointment is required. 

May 20, 2023
Homeschool Freedom Day
San Diego, CA

With almost 3,000 bills introduced in Sacramento this year, Family Protection Ministries has been working overtime to protect homeschool freedoms here in the Golden State. There are bills ranging from parental and custody rights to medical freedom violations.

With this many bills now working their way through the Legislature, it is vital to establish a relationship with your legislator and their staff through district and Capitol office visits. An established relationship is a powerful tool in a battle over a bill that threatens homeschool freedoms.

January 13, 2023
HCS Open House
San Diego, CA

HCS takes new enrollments all year long. If you're considering a change in your student's schooling for second semester, now is the time to meet with us and ask questions about how HCS can help you in your homeschool journey. No appointment is necessary, just walk in to speak with one of our experienced and knowledgeable homeschooling counselors.  

October 22, 2022
Sonrise Church
Santee, CA

HCS is excited to team up with Teach Them Diligently for their first San Diego convention in hopes of making this an annual event. Amongst very knowledgeable and respected speakers will be our own principal, Vicki Stormoen. We encourage all HCS families to attend and invite a friend or two. 

This event will focus on educating, encouraging, and preparing parents to become the home educators God has called them to be. At this time of year, it’s easy to get mired in the day to day activities of homeschooling and life in general. We hope this day of refreshment will help to refocus you on the importance of your mission and build your excitement about the privilege of parenting and discipling your children as God called you to do.  

Visit the Teach Them Diligently Convention website for all the details.

great homeschool convention logo

June 16-18. 2022
Great Homeschool Convention
Ontario, CA

Look for the HCS booth at the exhibit hall!

Additionally, Principal Vicki Stormoen will be presenting two workshops at this convention:
Foundations for the Elementary Years" (Thursday, June 16th at 4:00, Room 106)
How a PSP Can Work for You” (Saturday, June 18th at 11:30, Room 200C) 

There is a reason homeschooling families travel from all over the United States and Canada to attend a Great Homeschool Convention. It truly is the Homeschooling Event of the Year! With the best home education speakers that you won't find anywhere else, you will have the option of hundreds of info-packed workshops where you will learn practical ideas that you can implement right away.

Visit the Great Homeschool Convention website for more details and registration information.

CHEA convention 2022 logo

May 19-21, 2022
Christian Home Educators Assoc Convention
Anaheim, CA

Look for the HCS booth #510 at the exhibit hall!

Since 1983, CHEA has been hosting an annual homeschool convention that features workshops for homeschoolers at all stages, an exhibit hall with curriculum, resources, and services, children's and teen conventions, high school graduation, and much more. Join other homeschool families from across the state as you are encouraged and equipped for the school year ahead. This is an event you don't want to miss!  Visit the CHEA Convention page for information on registration, schedule, speakers, and where to stay. 

CHEA convention 2022 logo

May 15, 2022
Bonita Valley Community Church
Bonita, CA

Look for the HCS booth by the church main entrance.

HCS is excited to open our new Junior Academy this coming fall at Bonita Valley Community Church. The church is just as excited about this partnership and has invited HCS to be present to promote our services to their members and the community as they are strongly promoting an alternative to public school for their families. Everyone is welcome to stop by and get their questions about how HCS can help their homeschool journey answered. 

May 13, 2022
Foothills Christian Church
El Cajon, CA

Find the HCS booth in the church courtyard from 5pm - 6pm.

HCS will be one of the homeschool educational vendors joining this event promoting alternatives to public schooling. We will be happy to answer any questions about how HCS can come along side your private Christian homeschool journey.

About the Event: Turning Point Faith welcomes you to join Foothills Church for the groundbreaking and powerful documentary, Who's Children Are They,  featuring brave teachers, empowered parents, and front-line experts who pull back the curtain about what is truly happening in our public schools today.


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