Yes, you CAN homeschool

Homeschooling is two generations learning at once: instilling a love for learning and rediscovering that love yourself.

Can you teach your children at home? You already do! Are you afraid you don't know enough to teach them? You don’t have to know the subject matter yourself, that is what the textbook is for. So you don't have to have a degree to give your children an excellent education.

God set within us an innate desire to learn, discover, create. From the time our babies can operate their tiny hands, like chubby little Einsteins, they are touching, tasting, dropping, and squeezing anything they can reach to test their ‘properties’.


Then they get to that age, you remember, when every other word is, “Why? Why? Why?” It’s because they really want to know. They are curious sponges, absorbing everything. Bonus, their capacity to memorize is astounding.

The wonderful blessing of educating at home is that your children will learn HOW to learn and their natural curiosity is rewarded and nurtured. Then they will see that ALL of life is learning and it is not confined to the 'school day' at a specific location.

You become the cheerleader in their discovery of the world God gave us. You get to be awed, along with your children, at the glimpses of the Creator you find in the intricacies of a spider’s web and the beauty of a bird’s song, “Why DO birds sing? Let’s find out! In history we see the nature of mankind throughout the ages, “Why do people do those things?"  Let's see what God says about that. You can show them that even math, is a peek into the power of the Mind who gave us an ordered and logical universe.

The biggest blessing of all is, you get to go on that journey with them, learning a lot yourself.  So yes, you CAN homeschool.


Most states do not require you have a teaching credential or a college degree to homeschool.  See the homeschool laws state by state. 


Do you have questions about homeschooling or what Heritage Christian School can do for you? We love to help. Email (include your phone number and best time to reach you if you would like to chat on the phone) Or call the office at 858-541-2254. All of our staff are veteran homeschool parents with decades of experience.


About the author: Kim Valentine homeschooled three children, K through High School Graduation, at Heritage Christian School. She is currently on staff in the HCS office.

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