Beth Fox AHC24

Beth Fox

Beth is a Certified Biblical Counselor, Holistic Health Mentor, Herbalist and holds a degree  in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Child Development. Through Christ Centered  Holistic Counseling she desires to help others find physical, emotional and spiritual healing,  hope and wholeness within their relationship with Jesus. She has been blessed by being able  to utilize her gifts and training to not only walk alongside others as a Counselor, but also teach  local classes on natural living, help run an organic community garden, create herbal products  and as a Resident Herbalist and blog writer for a Women’s Biblical Counseling Ministry. She  has been married to her husband Joe for 19 years. Together they have three high school age  daughters. They have been homeschooling for twelve years, the last three through Heritage  Christian School. 

Homeschooling and Stressed:
Managing Anxiety, Fear, and Worry

We live in a culture where people are more stressed out and more unhappy than ever before.  We have constant access to so much information, so many different philosophies, beliefs, and theories even within our own Christian communities. The many influences along with managing the daily needs of family life, special circumstances that arise and even just thinking too much about the current state of our society can be overwhelming. Adding in the fears and worries that arise regarding curriculum choices, activities, scheduling, and planning for the future leads us to ask, is it even possible to homeschool and not be stressed? To not be worried or anxious about all of it? Is there a perfect formula out there, the best way to do it all and be truly joyful?  In this session, we will examine the topic of stress. The effects our fears and worry have on us and how we as followers of Christ can work through the anxieties that arise as we seek to best educate and raise our children.

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