Class Registration Opens Soon


All HSL accounts will be PARKED and rendered unusable on April 17th ahead of class registrations. If there is anything you wish to sign up for on HSL, be sure to do so before April 17th.

To be UNPARKED, you will need to have completed the following three things:

  1. Re-enrolled for the 2024-2025 school year. To re-enroll, log into your SIS account. 
  2. Be current on your financial account
  3. Have submitted 1st-semester grades

Accounts will be unparked once these three things have been completed according to the following schedule:

  • April 18th - Lead teachers at an academy or co-op class day and everyone on the HCS Leadership Team
  • April 19th - HCS members
  • April 22nd - New families

Important Reminder!

Remember to advance your student's grade level in your Profile. HSL does not do this automatically. You could run into issues registering for age/grade-restricted classes, clubs, and events if your student is not listed in the correct grade.

Some classes and/or campuses tend to fill quickly. Be certain you can register when you qualify.

student record requests
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