Vicki Stormoen AHC24

Vicki Stormoen

Vicki has been privately homeschooling since 1994. She and her husband, Ron, have been blessed with nine children, seven of whom have graduated from Heritage Christian School. She is still homeschooling the remaining two children through HCS.

Vicki has served the HCS community in many roles over the years including class day coordinator, Grace Notes Choir co-founder and leader, the Annual Heritage Conference co-founder and speaker, as well as a teacher for the HCS Academy. Vicki has also taught homeschool classes to the broader homeschool community from her home for many years and is a former Classical Conversations tutor. She is passionate about the vision of private homeschooling as a means to raising a godly generation of students for the glory of Jesus Christ and is blessed to have the opportunity to serve and continue homeschooling alongside HCS families.

California Private Homeschooling Options and How HCS Can Help

The freedom found through private homeschooling is radically different from what you will experience through public home study programs.  There are three private homeschooling options in California.  In this session, we will look at all three in detail and discuss the pros and cons.  We will conclude with where HCS fits in with those options, what we offer, how we can help, and then address any specific questions you may have.  This session is designed for non-HCS members.

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